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Gallerie Vianello is more than just a gallery, it's a hub of art services, offering easy management solutions for artists, art directors, and galleries. From the digital to the tangible, every creation finds a home here.

We're your trusted advisor for art events, fairs, and exhibits, guiding you through every step of the way. Whether you're seeking to enhance your home or workplace, we're here to connect you with the art world.

And for the hospitality industry, we're the bridge to the art world, transforming hotels into immersive art experiences.

Gallerie Vianello, where art and life intertwine. Welcome to your art connection place. 

Vedi come Griglia Elenco
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...e poi-Angelo Falmi

"...e poi", Angelo Falmi, 50x70 cm, acrilico e tecnica mista su tavola, 2023.
€7000,00 IVA inclusa

A Tutti Quelli Che Si Amano-Elio Mariani

"A tutti quelli che si amano", Elio Mariani, 120x115 cm, tecnica mista su tela emulsionata, 1970.
€4500,00 IVA inclusa

Armonia-Angelo Falmi

"Armonia", Angelo Falmi, 90x90 cm, acrilico su tela, 2023.
€7000,00 IVA inclusa

Attesa-Angelo Falmi

"Attesa", Angelo Falmi, 50x70 cm, acrilico su tela, 2023.
€7000,00 IVA inclusa

BELIVE Lucrezia Vianello-Icons

“Belive”, mdf, vernice, 50x140.3 cm, 2023, Venezia.
€10100,00 IVA inclusa

Cercando La Luce-Angelo Falmi

"Cercando La Luce", Angelo Falmi, 90x90 cm, acrilico su tela, 2023.
€7000,00 IVA inclusa